Hi everyone. Due to visa regulations, I cannot work for my own company anymore. Therefore, ARCOM_by_Marc will no longer be available for business. If you have any questions or require assistance, please do feel free to contact me anyways.

The Microcontroller

There are 3 different models available which support a different number of Modules that can be connected to the Microcontroller.

The Uno (standard), Nano and Mega.

Please note that these prices are subject to change and cannot be guaranteed.

Uno: (standard model, 18€)

Operating Voltage5V
Input Voltage (recommended)7-12V
Input Voltage (limits)6-20V
Digital I/O Pins14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins6
DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin50 mA
Flash Memory32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
SRAM2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed16 MHz

Nano: (15€)

MicrocontrollerAtmel ATmega168 or ATmega328
Operating Voltage (logic level)5 V
Input Voltage (recommended)7-12 V
Input Voltage (limits)6-20 V
Digital I/O Pins14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins8
DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA
Flash Memory16 KB (ATmega168) or 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 2 KB used by bootloader
SRAM1 KB (ATmega168) or 2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM512 bytes (ATmega168) or 1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed16 MHz
Dimensions0.73" x 1.70"

Mega: (30€)

Operating Voltage5V
Input Voltage (recommended)7-12V
Input Voltage (limits)6-20V
Digital I/O Pins54 (of which 15 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins16
DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin50 mA
Flash Memory256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed16 MHz


If you have questions concerning which Controller you should buy, don't hesitate to contact me and ask for further information on their compatibility, versatility, and usability.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Marc,

    I want to make a Superhornet cockpit with FSX.

    Yes, i have a MEGA Arduino microcontroller.

    It is possible to buy your software without Hardware.

    I apologise for my english, i'm a french canadian.

    Dany Savard

  2. Hi Dany,

    sounds like an awesome project! Shoot me an email to ARCOM_by_Marc@gmx.at and give me some more details on what you try to achieve, what hardware you want to interface and which software you will use!

