Hi everyone. Due to visa regulations, I cannot work for my own company anymore. Therefore, ARCOM_by_Marc will no longer be available for business. If you have any questions or require assistance, please do feel free to contact me anyways.


The ARCOM_by_Marc_MCP LED+7Segment Electronics Set

This set includes what I used to build my own Boeing 737-800 Mode Control Panel.


4 x ICs + PCB Layout File
4 x Resistors
8 x Capacitors
25 x 7 Segment Displays
28 x Green LEDs
2 x Amber LEDs
1 x Square Green LED
1 x ARCOM_by_Marc_MCP script

Information about electronic components

Compatible with Prosim737 (COM variables supplied) and FSUIPC handler on its way.

Price (without microcontroller - click for more information on using one microcontroller for multiple modules): 62€

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